As readers of translated fiction would testify, it’s pretty
hard to have a Spanish Literature Month without the name Roberto Bolano
featuring heavily. Of course, after the critical success of “The Savage
Detectives” and “2666” his other works now litter the shelves of bookstores as
they make their way through the translators hands and into English.
A quick, however surreal, read is the 134 page “Monsieur
Pain” originally written in 1981 or 1982 according to the “preliminary note” by
Bolano, and it’s fate “has been haphazard and erratic”. And what better setting
than Paris in the 1930’s to set a surrealist novel?
Our “hero” is Pierre Pain, a first person narrator who
fought in World War One but is now the recipient of a pension due to his lung
damage during the war. Pain is a proponent of mesmerism, the practice where the
natural magnetic force exerted by animals is used as an alternative medicine
and healing. Pierre Pain is asked by a female friend to treat Cesar Vallejo, a
Peruvian poet (in Paris), who is dying of hiccups, in a hospital with spiral
staircases and camouflaged doorways. Two shady Spaniards are tailing Pain, but
why? They eventually drop him a note asking him to meet them.
At precisely ten o’clock at
night, having taken my leave of Madame Reynaud at the entrance to a metro
station, I arrived at the Cafe Victor, on Boulevard Saint Michel. My name was
written in the headwaiter’s notebook, and I was guided without delay to one of
the private rooms where the Spaniards awaited me. Although the restaurant’s
lighting was in no way deficient or abnormal, I had the impression, on stepping
inside, that I was entering a dark movie theatre after the beginning of the
show, preceded by the waiter, who for the occasion had been transformed into an
usher guiding me to my seat. The bat, I thought. The path that links the man
who serves and the man who sees in the dark.
As a shady noir thriller feel envelopes the novel, we learn
that Pain is to be paid to not treat the Peruvian poet? But why?
“Perhaps it’s because I’m drunk,
but the night smells of something strange.”
“Every night has a different
smell, my friend; it would be unbearable otherwise. I think you should go to
“But tonight’s smell is special,
as if something were moving in the streets, something vague and familiar, but I
can’t quite remember what it is.”
“Go to bed. Sleep. Calm your
“The smell will follow me there
Yes something is rotten in the state of Pain, the smells of
night time are they a prelude to something going awry?
Suddenly, like the waning moon
peeping through a gap in the clouds, the scene appeared before me stripped of
all semblances: two women determined to save a poor wretch from dying turn to
another poor wretch when science and medicine have failed or refused to help.
It was depply sad, almost worthy of a late 19th-century naturalist
melodrama; and yet, behind what might be called the stage or the foreground,
hidden by the scenery, I thought I could glimpse – it was just a hunch, and
meanwhile I remained steadily attentive to Madame Reynaud’s words – the
silhouette of a stranger, smoking in the wings, as it were, and I knew without
a doubt that he was the South American mentioned in the dream.
Are you lost yet? In summary Pierre Pain also becomes lost,
he visits a cafe with totally green decor, called “The Forest” where he meets a
pair of brothers (are they twins?) who specialise in underwater cemeteries in
fish tanks, “the underwater forest”. He
stumbles across guests decked out in fancy dress, mysteriously silent teenage
girls, neighbours drunk on Absynthe with a black eye. We have long discussions
about mesmerism and the occult in a bar with a fan of Edgar Allan Poe (who
coincidentally is quoted at the novel’s preface).
It gets better. As Pain is barred from the hospital he gets
drunk and falls asleep in a bath in a deserted warehouse (after refusing to
participate in a pornographic show which contained dead animals), he is then
trapped in the bath, in the dark, whilst somebody imitating his hiccupping
patient pursues him. As things become more surreal Pain calls an old friend and
has a lngthy conversation....with himself...
“It’s Pierre Pain; this business
is getting complicated.”
“I don’t know what to do...I’m
losing my grip on reality...”
Pain decides he wants to find out what why he can’t treat
the Peruvian poet’s hiccups and follows one of the Spaniards to a cinema, where
he meets an old school friend (another mesmerist), all the time we receive a
detailed description of the film being show...”Actualite” it fiction?
We find out that Pierre Curie (Marie Curie’s husband, who
also received the Nobel Prize, along with Henri Becquerel for their work in
radioactivity) died in a Paris accident, at the time he was “investigating the
psychic forces manifested in mediumistic trances”, was it really an accident or
was he killed? Does this link Pierre Pain to Pierre Curie?
We learn that Pain’s old school friend uses his mesmerism
skills to interrogate political prisoners and spies in Spain.
We then hear from Pain that the end to the story (“or what I
took to be its end”) was less than convincing. Is our ending similar?
If you fancy a flight into the world of Roberto Bolano, who
here is mixing late 1930’s Parisian settings with Spanish and South American
characters, blending film noir with surrealism and animal magnetism, mystery
with absurdity, reality with oneiric tales – this is a novel for you.

This is the only Bolano that I've finished. Both 2666 and The Savage Detectives frustrated me to no end, and I'm not here to say that it completely understood Monsieur Pain, but, I did finish it, and I did enjoy it. As I recall, the atmosphere and the tension were my favorite parts.
This is one of the few from B I have left to read. Had heard that it was uneven, but your description sounds interesting enough to me!
This one sounds wild, and the prospect of a noir feel is a selling point for me. I'm also encouraged to hear Bellezza say she finished this one, although I've yet to read The Savage Detectives (which I bought recently in the sale). I'll try Savage first, but I've made a note of Monsieur Pain. Great quotes, btw.
Thanks for stopping by everybody - and your contributions are very welcome. Bellezza I'm loving "The Savage Detectives" which I should finish tomorrow but I can understand why people would find it frustrating. Richard, this one is probably a little less of an honoured work but I did enjoy it. Jacqui, give the big one a go first - good luck!!!
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