I came across this collection of three novellas (or three
short stories) when I was reading another review of the wonderful “the
briefcase” by Hiromi Kawakami, a novel shortlisted for the 2013 Man Asian
Literary Prize. That review was liked to a Japanese Literature Challenge, and
this month the theme was short stories and they had suggested a number of collections.
This was the only one I could find through my affiliation with the Book
Yoko Ogawa has won a number of Japanese literary awards and
this collection itself was awarded the Shirley Jackson Award in 2008 – an award
that recognises “outstanding achievement in the literature of psychological
suspense, horror and the dark fantastic”.
“The Diving Pool” consists of three novellas (approximately
55 pages each) and all are narrated by a female protagonist – each of them
questioning or revealing a dark side that is generally hidden.
When we grow up, we find ways to
hide our anxieties, our loneliness, our fear and sorrow. But children hide
nothing, putting everything into their tears, which they spread liberally about
for the whole world to see. I wanted to savour every one of Rie’s tears, to run
my tongue over the damp, festering, vulnerable places in her heart and open the
wounds even wider.
Our first story is “The Diving Pool” told to us by the daughter
of a religious couple who also run an orphanage. She spends her idle time
observing (from a hidden place) one of the orphans, Jun, whilst he practices
his diving. She is hopelessly in love with Jun, waiting to run into him,
awaiting a single word, this is a young girl who feels she has no family of her
own, with a clear obsession. She plays tricks on younger orphans forcing them
to cry so she can take control.
Our second story is “Pregnancy Diary” and as the title
suggests it follows the course of a pregnancy through our protagonist’s diary.
Her sister announces her pregnancy, suffers violent morning sickness, recovers
and becomes obsessed with eating (homemade grapefruit jam). But the linear plot
is only part of the tale, as we learn more about our narrator and her relationship
with her sister, her dark side (will the jam made from imported fruit distort
the unborn child’s chromosomes?) and her sister’s pre existing mental illness.
The third instalment is “Dormitory” where our story teller
is reintroduced to a long forgotten cousin who is searching for a dormitory to
stay in whilst he attends college. She is home alone awaiting instructions from
her husband as to a potential long term move overseas, so takes her cousin to
the dormitory where she stayed when studying. It is decaying and is run by a
man who has no arms and only one leg, who is also falling into decay.
Each of the stories contains references to the human body
being “physical specimens” the elegance, muscle definition and grace of the
diver, the changing shape of the pregnant sister, the amputee who is obsessed
with the beauty of other’s hands and feet. They all also contain references to physical
decay, whether human or buildings in each story:
It had clearly aged. There was no
striking change in the overall appearance, but each individual detail – the doorknob
in the front hall, the rails on the fire escape, the antenna on the roof –
seemed older. IT was probably just normal wear and tear, given how long I’d
been away. But at the same time there was something deep and weary about the
silence that hung over the place, something almost sinister that could not be
explained away by the fact that it was spring break and the residents would be
Each of our voices hides a deep seeded dark, bleak obsession,
whether it is love, anxiety, fear, each and every time they push themselves to
realise that darkness even more:
I’m usually anxious when I’m
waiting for something – even when it’s someone else’s labor pains. It scares me
to think how nervous my sister must be. I’d like this hot, uneventful afternoon
to go on forever.
This collection of stories is dark, they are bleak, the look
at human frailties and push them to their limits, they explore obsession,
decay, mental illness and the human form and it’s fragile state. All from the
quiet brooding mannered voice of the minor character – a Japanese female. A
great introduction to Yoko Ogawa’s writing and one I’m glad I picked up.

I've had this on the shelf for a while now, but it may wait until January. I loved 'Hotel Iris' (very dark) but only liked the better-known 'The Housekeeper and the Professor' (a bit too fluffy). I was promised a copy of 'Revenge' by the publisher too, but it never eventuated :(
It's a quick read Tony - as you know I can procrastinate but this one took me a single night - 150 easy pages. I never thought I'd be reading a story about a triple amputee who has a student go missing and a large spreading stain on his ceiling.
I think Yoko Ogawa is especially adept at looking at obsessions such as love, anxiety, and fear. Her collection of short stories found in Revenge were so dark, to me, that I did not finish the book. However, I am quite fascinated by the review that you have put up for The Diving Pool in terms of the characters' manipulations as well as the themes of decay. I had not heard mention of the later before. Might I recommend Ogawa's book The Housekeeper and The Professor? It is not dark at all, but rather portrays a lovely, unconventional family.
Thanks for stopping by my blog Bellezza. I may get to other Ogawa works at some stage - the 13 Man Booker Longlist for 2013 await my obsessive behaviour first. The decay theme is in each story of The Diving Pool but I may have misread things (generally buildings). It's great to have a new reader of my reviews.
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